Volume Recruitment: Turning New Challenges Into Success – A Round-Up

The biggest challenge of volume recruitment is balancing quantity with quality of candidates, all within limited time constraints. In-house recruiters must draw a fine line between managing often unrealistic expectations of hiring managers and delivering talent that matches the skills and culture of the organisation.

This breakfast event, held in partnership with Adzuna, has addressed the biggest challenges of volume recruitment, with an aim to draw attention to what really matters. While it’s important to meet the demands of the business, candidate experience should not be overlooked.

Diversity and inclusion were given special attention during the roundtable discussions, as our guests discussed the importance of attracting and offering support to BAME candidates throughout the process.

Automation and data measurement tools will be key in ensuring volume recruitment is proactive and candidate-focused.

Check out our post-event whitepaper for a more detailed look at what was discussed on the day.

Who Spoke
Rachel Harvey,
Head of Recruitment

Amareet Kaur,

Recruitment Team Leader – Operational High Volume Recruitment

Iain Wills,

Head of Sales

Event Partner

Adzuna is a search engine for job ads used by over 10 million visitors per month that aims to list every job, everywhere. We search thousands of websites so our users don’t have to, bringing together millions of ads in one place. By providing smarter search options and powerful data about the job market, we give jobseekers the information they need to take control of their careers.


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