A Winning Approach: Delivering a People-centric Attraction Strategy

In a market where candidate motivations and priorities are ever-changing, businesses need to continuously evolve their acquisition strategies in order to attract top talent. We must ask: What do candidates truly value from employers? How can talent acquisition professionals put the jobseeker at the centre of everything they do? What engages quality candidates?

In this session, Dan Woods, Sales Manager at Reed.co.uk explores ways to revolutionise your attraction strategy to adopt a people-centric approach. He takes a detailed look at how to ensure your job ads are inclusive and provides actionable takeaways to help you get the most out of your attraction efforts.

Learn how what you include in a job ad can affect the diversity of your applications, and understand how candidate motivations can vary across different demographic groups. He provides insight on the benefits that are most sought after in the current market, and explain the key factors that employees value (and don’t) in the workplace.

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Category Talent Acquisition and Hiring
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