The Popularisation of Design Thinking & Opportunities for Resourcing to Innovate

As buzzwords go, “Design Thinking” is gaining traction around the world, particularly when talking about innovation and leadership. In the context of HR and Resourcing, things are only just getting started. Globally, we’re seeing a significant increase in HR functions adopting this mindset to meet future demands of employees and when crafting the experience.

At our Recruitment Leaders virtual conference, Steve Usher from 5ive Studio, shared the basic principals of Design Thinking, how it works and why it’s fast becoming a competitive advantage for modern day HR and Resourcing functions.

Topics Discussed
  • Learn the basic principals of design thinking
  • Insight into the global movement and how it’s being adopted for employee experience design
  • Sharing insight from some of the worlds greatest design thinkers
Who Spoke

Steve Usher

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